Seasoning steak is an important step towards grilling the perfect steak and can greatly enhance its flavor and make it more enjoyable to eat.

"Letting your steak rest after grilling is like allowing it to savor its own deliciousness. Patience truly brings out the best in a juicy, perfectly cooked steak."

The nuances of when, how, and what to use can significantly impact the final taste and texture of your steak.

Different Steak Cuts Season Differently

Select Cuts of Steak

Choose a steak with even marbling, vibrant red color, and a thickness of 1 to 1.5 inches for even cooking.

Popular cuts for tenderness include ribeye, filet mignon, and New York strip, according to most expert chefs, and we agree.

For a well-balanced choice, consider ribeye for rich flavor or sirloin for a leaner option based on personal taste.

Pat the Steak Dry

Wiping excess marinade from a steak using a paper tower

Pat the steak dry with a paper towel or dry cloth before cooking. Moisture can prevent the Maillard reaction, which is responsible for browning and developing rich flavors.

Removing excess moisture ensures a more effective sear, enhancing the texture and taste of the steak during the cooking process.

Rub with Oil

Rubbing Oil on Steak pre-grilling prep

For a balanced flavor apply oil, preferably canola, grapeseed or vegetable oil, to the steak before cooking. We find that it helps distribute seasoning evenly.

The oil also aids in flavor absorption, enhancing the overall taste of the steak as it cooks.

Additionally, it acts as a protective layer, preventing the steak from sticking to the cooking surface and promoting a better sear.

Season Generously

Seasoning a Steak

Season both sides of the steak generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper.

You can also add additional spices and herbs like garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, or rosemary to enhance the flavor.

Let the Steak Rest

Steak and Potatoes Resting on a Plate

Letting the steak rest after grilling allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a more flavorful and juicy result.

This short resting period, typically 5 to 10 minutes, allows the muscle fibers to relax, preventing the juices from escaping when the steak is cut.

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